Information for whanau/families by RTLB


What is the RTLB role?

An RTLB is a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour. RTLB work within schools providing more explicit support to teachers of students who may require additional help within the regular classroom programme. 

Te Paeroa RTLB work within schools in the South East of Christchurch/Chathams with: 

  • School personnel
  • Whānau
  • A range of Ministry of Education specialists
  • Other agencies

Request for Support Process:

  • The classroom teacher or the SENCO will talk to you about your child’s learning and/or behaviour needs and the possibility of making a Request for Support to the RTLB service.
  • Your informed consent is required to enable the request to proceed.
    ○ Informed consent means that you fully understand why a Request for Support is being made.

What to expect if a Request for Support is made to the RTLB Service:

  • The RTLB will arrange with the teacher to observe in the classroom environment.
  • Assessment of your child’s learning and/or behaviour will be collected as necessary by the RTLB. This may include a conversation with your child to gain an understanding of their perspective.
  • The RTLB will make contact with you to discuss the Request for Support and your child’s strengths, interests and needs.
  • The information collected will be used to develop a plan of action. This plan will include specific goals and strategies that can be used to achieve these goals.
  • The plan will be developed by the RTLB and teacher(s) in conjunction with other involved parties. Whānau input is valued.
  • The RTLB will continue to monitor and adapt the plan to maximise your child’s success.
  • The Request for Support may close when:  the team agrees the intervention has led to the agreed outcomes, or it is identified that other pathways need to be explored.

He waka eke noa

We are all in this together

Cluster Manager: Michelle Maule