Term 1 2020 Newsletter


Term 1 Newsletter

Kia ora koutou,

RTLB Cluster Vision: 

To ensure success for all ākonga through collaboration and inclusive education. 
He waka eke noa
This whakataukī translates to meaning a waka that we are all in, with no exception. More broadly, there is the sense of embarking on a journey together, and that the success of the journey is reliant on collective and collaborative effort.

RTLB Cluster Mission: We strengthen and empower kaiako to enhance educational outcomes. 
Values: Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga & Kotahitanga

Well, we are well and truly into our first term for 2020 and so much has happened this year already and still happening! 

Thank you for continuing to welcome our team into your schools. We value the trusting relationships we build with you and your staff. 

We warmly welcome our 13 Learning Support Coordinators, we will ensure you feel well supported by our service. 

New Appointments
We would like to announce our newest appointments for 2020, Marama Buck, Elesha Robinson and Paulette Newton.
Marama has a wealth of experience and passion for te reo Māori me ōnā tikanga. She comes to us with a Te Ao Māori lens and experience in play-based learning. Marama has recently taught at Fendalton Open-air School & Haeata Community Campus. 
Elesha has a passion and strength in collaborative learning, bi-culturalism and wellbeing frameworks. She has recently taught at Cashmere Primary Te Pae Kererū.
Paulette Newton will be joining us from Beckenham Te Kura ō Puroto at the beginning of Term 2. She has strengths and passions in teaching and learning through play, systemic interventions and transition to school.

They will be a real asset to our team. We are now fully staffed to support your schools and kura.

Website Development
Our website is under development. We are aiming to make this as a resource centre for SENCos and LSCs in our cluster to refer to. This will also have a link to schoolgate and we will upload any PLD presentations and Guidelines here too. 

Visioning and Strategic Planning
We have been reviewing our vision, mission statement and developing our strategic plan for 2020-2022. This will be available on our website when it has been developed. 
Our Priority Areas:
Bi-cultural Sustainability 


Systemic Support

Dates for Allocation
Due to schools/kura all beginning the year on different dates we have decided on the following for allocation of cases. The next allocation is on Friday 3rd April.
Your Liaison RTLB will be in touch the week prior to meet with you and discuss the potential requests and provide support for you. 

Chatham & Pitt Islands
Myself and 2 RTLB colleagues have just spent the week in the Chathams visiting our 3 schools and spending time discovering the ecology of the island. It was fantastic to be part of an Athletics Day where the 3 schools merged their talents at Te One School. A massive thank you to the 3 Principals; Wendy, Vicki, Eve and their staff for hosting us for the week.

Buyer Generated Invoices (NEW)
We have now transitioned to a new system for invoicing Learning Support Funds (LSF) from our cluster. We have a buyer generated invoice system as of January 2020. This means that our system will create a buyer generated invoice for the approved amount and funds deposited to your school’s bank account. You will no longer need to create an invoice to receive the LSF! We are saving you work! 

Clusters/Kāhui Ako & SENCo/LSC Hui 
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." Helen Keller
Thank you to CoLs & Kāhui Ako who have invited myself and/or RTLB liaisons to your hui. This has been a real highlight to listen to the needs across your schools and to put our heads together for systemic change. The Learning Support Team (MoE) & RTLB are committed to delivering a seamless service and are keen to work collaboratively to support schools/kura. In 2020, we look forward to working alongside the Learning Support Coordinators.

Requests for Support Guidelines
We have reviewed our Request for Support Guidelines, which have been shared with SENCos/LSCs, I have attached it  for your reference. 

Professional Learning & Development for SENCo/LSC
On Thursday 30th & Friday 30th January we held Learning Assistant Professional Learning & Development. Seven of our RTLB facilitated professional development for the Learning Assistants/Teacher Aides. 79 Learning Assistants from 18 schools attended over the 2 days. Thank you for sending these amazing humans, we are sure they returned with more in their kete. 

Senco Survey-Jan
Recently, we conducted a survey to inquire into SENCo & teacher aide professional learning needs. This has enabled us to plan an annual PLD schedule for SENCos/LSCs  and any key learning support staff. We have used feedback from the survey and our own knowledge from conversations with your SENCos. We have identified the need to provide 2 options for PLD, a session during the day, and one after school.

We are currently taking names for the Term One workshop, ‘The Role of the RTLB & Ecological Model’. Please email Sharon, sharonj@rtlb34.school.nz with the dates you would like to attend. 

Term 1, Week 9:
The Role of the RTLB & Ecological Model
Wednesday 1 April 1-3:00pm
Thursday 2 April 3:30-5:30pm

Term 2, Week 6:
ICS Applications & Writing IEPs/IAPs/CAPs
Wednesday 3 June 1-3:00pm
Thursday 4 June 3:30-5:30pm

Term 3, Week 6
Oral Language
Wednesday 26 August 1-3:00pm
Thursday 27 August 3:30-5:30pm

Term 4, Week 6
Inclusive Education/UDL
Wednesday 18 Nov 1-3:00pm
Thursday 19 Nov 3:30-5:30pm

Sharing Information
We are currently reviewing, alongside other agencies, how we share information and gain informed consent from teachers and whānau. Sharing information between agencies and schools has become topical and there are some key documents that are providing some useful guidelines. Learning Support-Information Guide and Leading Lights, Consent to Request Support and Share Information. We will let you know the outcome of our review and the steps we will be taking as an organisation when they are finalised. 

School Visits
I continue to visit our 61 schools and kura. We are always looking at areas we can improve upon and your feedback is incredibly valuable. In the meantime, our liaison RTLB is the person you can speak to about any of your school/kura needs. You are always welcome to phone or email me at any time.
Compliments & Complaints
A reminder, if you have any concerns or complaints about our RTLB working in your school, please do not discuss this with other RTLB in your school. This places them in very uncomfortable situations. Compliments, of course, are also well  received. Please contact me directly. 

Ngā mihi nui
Michelle Maule
Cluster Manager, RTLB34
Te Paeroa
Cellphone: 0272766713