Our People
Who we are
Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour: (RTLB) work collaboratively with kaiako and schools/kura to support the achievement of ākonga in Years 1-10 with learning and/or behaviour barriers. RTLB support and up-skill kaiako to better meet the needs of ākonga within an inclusive education system. Whilst we are not experts we have developed expertise in the field of supporting ākonga with additional learning and behavioural needs.
What we do
RTLB support facilitates change through:
- effective teaching and practices that respond to the context
- excellent knowledge of effective teaching and learning
- a commitment to inclusive education
- a commitment to achievement for all
- working alongside others to provide practical support and advice
- adhering to the principles of RTLB practice, building teacher and school confidence, knowledge and skills
- following the sequence of RTLB practice
- keeping students’ need and achievement at the centre of any service provided
- maintaining trusting, professional relationships within cluster schools/kura, Kāhui Ako and with parents/whānau, communities and community agencies
The scope of RTLB practice includes:
- individual, group, school, or group of schools/Kāhui Ako cases for years 0 - 10
- cluster projects that increase inclusion
- inclusive practice professional development for teachers
- provision of professional development for learning assistants
- supporting student transitions
- working with Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako
- supporting children and young people who are new to the care of Oranga Tamariki
- Children’s Teams
- bilingual assessments
- supporting secondary schools to establish systems to identify and make applications for students likely to benefit from Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
- support for schools/kura and Kāhui Ako with applications to other specialists and initiatives including, but not limited to: Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS), Assistive Technology (AT), Audiologists, Speech Language Therapist
- Positive Behaviour for Learning (School Wide PB4L, Incredible Years Teacher)
- Students attending Alternative Education (AE)
All schools have access to a liaison RTLB. Each RTLB liaison will meet and communicate with schools on a regular basis in order to enable the service to meet the needs of schools effectively and appropriately.
We Support 60 Schools
Our reach covers 60 schools and kura in the South and East of Christchurch as well as The Chathams and Pitt Island.
Kaiako Feedback
What a pleasure your RTLB was to work with. Informative, constructive, reliable and positive. We met and worked with other agencies, both whānau and ākonga, to build a profile of what we wanted to achieve and the various scenarios to explore and testing to be carried out.
The behaviours seen constantly at the beginning of the year have now become very few and far between. The RTLB has been outstanding to deal with and an absolute benefit to both the staff, the student and the whanau. A listening ear for when problems are arising. We have all learnt so much from you.
RTLB is supportive, finds out everything they can about the student, staff and school itself so they can work specifically to the needs that are presented to them. I have felt so supported and encouraged by the RTLB, I almost wish the RTLBs ideas and programmes hadn’t worked so well to get these children off the programme so the RTLB could stay and work with us longer! Thank you so much for your professionalism and support, these students are so much better off now thanks to you.
The RTLB regularly made contact through email or personally. They made the teachers accountable in a positive way to implement the recommendations providing us with equipment that supported his learning. The communication was always positive and constructive with the next step always our focus. The journey that our student has come has been a gradual upward slope.
Gave me tremendous support enabling me to grow to become proficient in the intervention strategies. I subsequently introduced the intervention with a group of ākonga. I was pleased with the progress that all our ākonga made over 2 terms and will continue to use the programme and introduce more ākonga to it next year. I will be sharing this knowledge and expertise with other kaiako.
The RTLB is such an amazing person to work with. Our entire staff have loved having your RTLB coming in and sharing their wealth of knowledge with us.
Contact us

Office Phone
027 533 4225
Cluster Manager
027 276 6713


Te Paeroa RTLB Cluster 34 (South and East Christchurch) Front Building - 19 Pavitt St. Richmond Christchurch 8013